Asbestos are primarily known as the substance which causes the deadly disease Mesothelioma, a rare form of cancer in which the internal organs of patients become surrounded by a cancerous coating of cells. Asbestos describes any of a group of fibrous metamorphic minerals of the hydrous magnesium silicate chemical family.
These fibers are often used in cement during construction and though they have been banned in construction in the United States today, their presence at construction sites world wide five and six decades ago are causing medical and legal problems today. Asbestos can take five or six decades to fully display their deadly potential and thus many of the construction workers who absorbed the dangerous chemical in the 1950;s and 1960;s while working, are just now experiencing the effects of the disease. Hence, many of the lawsuits that are being filed for Mesothelioma have to do with the intake of asbestos at construction plants in the 1950?s and the 1960?s.
Currently, these asbestos cause a disease for which there is no cure; however, due to the amount of attention that this disease is getting, many top scientists and researchers worldwide are working to develop a cure for the disease. Like many cancers, without continued support and attention, research and funding are not possible.
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