The child who has not yet poisoned his body with unnatural food and stimulants or young undomesticated animals are alternately engaged in joyful play and restful sleep. Negative or depressed states are unknown. Joy, vitality, happiness and play mark its existence. This is equally so with healthy adolescents, young and even mature adults who are not dissipating their powers in destructive emotions and poison-habits. This is strikingly evident in primitive people or regions which have not yet been educated into our civilized habits. You may find an excellent source of energy principle in healing information at: overcome-diabetes.com
On the other hand, the more that energy is lost through dissipation, stimulants, tension, emotional, physical and sexual excess and especially prolonged loss of sleep and rest, the more does negativity in feelings, emotions and thoughts set in.
The same applies to our mental and creative abilities. The greater the amount of energy which is available, the better we are able to think, reason, create and the more alert we are. Conversely, the less energy which is available, the more deficient we become in all of our mental abilities.
The person who feels depressed or negative most of the time is low on the energy level scale and needs to omit undesirable energy-wasting practices and to increase rest and sleep. Just as the muscles enter a state of inertia during the recharging process called sleep, so does the mind manifest a reduced state of activity during its resting and recharging phase. We observe this mental state as feeling depressed, when we are awake. This merely indicates that the brain-cells are recuperating energy.
The individual who is living intelligently, obeying the laws of life, eating correctly, resting and sleeping sufficiently and avoiding poison-habits will manifest happy, cheerful and optimistic feelings, emotions and thought for the most part. He will fluctuate between wellbeing, happiness and great joy. When due to unusual expenditure, his energy level drops, this will manifest as quietude, passivity and deep relaxation which is free from irritability, negative feelings or thoughts.
You may find an excellent source of energy principle in healing information at: overcome-diabetes.com
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