X-rays and CT scans are, typically used to confirm suspicions and diagnosis of mesothelioma. Biopsies, tissue samples and even diagnostic surgery are also used to verify the condition, diagnosis and severity, spread, treatment and overall prognosis.
It is normally formal medical procedures, done in hospital and requires anesthesia. The diagnosis itself is done using accepted medical science and microscopic analysis of specialized stains.
Ingestion and inhalation are seen as the most common way that asbestos gets into the human internal system. Mucus of the trachea and bronchi end up being swallowed. Some of them lodge in the intestinal tract and from there they can move through the intestinal wall into deeper into the body. Fibers lodged in the lungs can be taken into the lymph system and spread throughout the body.
Asbestos is a cancer-casing element that become malignant or cancerous and can lead to discomfort and even death. We are however extremely uncertain about what exactly causes it, how and why it develops.
There is not a cure. The size and stage of the thickening, fluid, fibers, their extent, spread, type and if and how it responds to any treatment all influence the diagnosis and final outcome.
Combination therapies have become popular in response to dealing effectively with mesothelioma. It is referred to as multimodal therapy. These could include any, some or all of the following, chemotherapy and other drug-based therapies, radiation regimens, surgery, gene therapy, immunotherapy, and anti-angiogenesis drugs.
Treatment tries to counter the disease moving inward and spreading outward. It is comprehensive, in-depth and holistic in its approach. Treatments are mostly focused on reducing pain and alleviating discomfort. Improving overall health, lung function and quality of life is the focus. It cannot be cured. Debulking and X-ray therapies have also been used in experimental studies. The battle, studies and research is on going and continues.
Elizabeth Perez, the webmaster of http://www.mesotheliomamedical.com/mesothelioma.htm is a part of the Sharing Information Group that provides useful information to the public through the syndication of free articles.