If you are an asbestos worker ask the Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) or your employer about the asbestos control program in your workplace or about the management program for asbestos in buildings.
Control programs are very important to be carried out in workplaces where there are hazardous minerals like asbestos that can affect workers with severe pathologies such as malignant mesothelioma cancer, malignant lung cancer, asbestos related disease or asbestosis, among others.
Other important thing is to visit the doctor regularly to stay informed about your health, (but this one must be specialist in the disease) whether you work or worked in contact with asbestos at your job. He can order you different exams in order to know the current state of your health.
The law states that you can choose to be part of a medical surveillance program if it is needed. Every two years, the employer shall offer and pay for the medical surveillance program in such case.
According to experts a program of medical surveillance includes chest x-rays, lung functions tests, regular physical exams and medical and work history tracking.
Through a medical surveillance program like this it will be possible to help you to find an asbestos-related disease or other related conditions early, and stop them on time and do not get worse.
The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) may help you to find out if you are entitled to compensation if you worked exposed to asbestos, analyzing your medical report, after you talk will your employer and file a claim with the WSIB if you have an asbestos-related disease.
In conclusion, there many things that you have to do for prevent developing of asbestos related disease, but The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) could be very useful and a good start point. Specially in the case of compensations for by asbestos related workers.
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